Industrial Elelctronics Notes

LED - Light Emitting Diode

A type of diode that emits light when there is forward current. The back operation of the LED is as follow.


Glucometer stands for Glucose meter. This instrument is used to check the % value of sugar in the blood of a human body.


FET stands for "Field Effect Transistor" it is a three terminal uni polar solid state device in which current is controlled by an electric field.

Di-Electric heating

To heat that material which can not conduct electrical current, in this process heat is produce in non conducting materials internally.


DIAC is two terminal four layer semiconductor device (Thyristors) that can conduct current in either direction, when polarity is active.

DC voltage regulators

The main property of the DC voltage regulator is, if there is any change in the I/P voltage, the O/P of the voltage regulator will be constant.