Clipper & ClamperA circuit which cutoff voltage above or below are both specified level is called clipper. A clipper which removes a portion of positive
Waveguide - Group Velocity, Phase Velocity, Cut off Frequency & ImpedanceIt is the velocity of electromagnetic waves in the waveguide. Group velocity is denoted by the symbol Vg.
Understanding Waveguide Mode: A Guide to Signal PropagationThe signal through waveguide is propagated by different modes which are explained as below.
WaveguideWaveguide is the type of transmission line which carries microwave frequencies from source to load. The energy is in the form of electric
Shunt Resistance of Cavity ResonatorIn the given diagram L and C is the equivalent ckt of the cavity resonator. Here L represents the walls of the cavity and C represent
Saw FilterAs shown in the given diagram the saw filter consists of a piece of quartz crystal material on the surface of which the metallic fingers are engraved.
Radiometric QuantitiesThere are following radiometric quantities. Energy, Power, Irradiance, Exitance, Steradian, Intensity, Radiance
Ruby MaserThe RUBY MASER consist of a ruby crystal kept in the cavity. The cavity is enclosed by a jacket of liquid helium in order to observe the
RADARThe ward radar means radio direction and ranging. Radar is a system which is used to find out the direction of the target.